Indiana Period Room
The Indiana Room depicts a wealthy family in Indiana in the 1930s. The parlor is arranged in the colonial Revival Style.
Here we see our Hoosier family celebrating the Christmas Holiday. The large tree is decorated with manufactured ornaments, electric tree lights, and tinsel. The Corning Company and Shiny Brite Company began to produce glass Christmas ornaments during the 1920s and they were becoming very popular during the 1930s. You also may find a few paper ornaments on the tree.
It appears that Santa visited the family and left his hat on the blue cotton damask upholstered easy chair when he sat down to enjoy cookies and milk left for him on the Rococo style cherry tray top table of the 1760-1790 era. The chair was made
between 1785-1800 in Massachusetts.
A few gifts have been opened as we see the wrapping paper on the floor.
Riding toys were popular at this time and this lucky child received a large circus elephant to ride and a small stuffed monkey for play. During this time, many toys were also made of sturdy cardboard such as the Educational Board on the red linen Neoclassical sofa.
If we listen closely, we might hear the Victrola playing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” This song was made popular by comedian and singer Eddie Cantor in 1934. The Victrola which is sitting out of our eyesight, was made by the Victor Talking Machine Company between 1917-19.
Thank you for visiting the Indiana Room and for taking a look at our version of a 1930s Christmas.